Biographical note
Dr. Arshad Farid currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Gomal Center of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Gomal University, D.I. Khan, Pakistan. He has approximately 17 years of teaching and research experience and has supervised 13 MPhil. research students while mentoring numerous PhD candidates. Farid has more than 100+ publications of international and national repute, the total cumulative impact factor of his published papers being 450+. His scientific activities are highly interdisciplinary, ranging from medicinal plants, natural product chemistry, herbal drug development, and ethnopharmacology to nanotechnology, drug delivery, and microbiology. He has served as the editor for six books accepted for publication and has written more than 50 book chapters for various publishers. With a notable count of 27 international patents (Germany, UK, Japan, and South Africa etc.), he has published more than 15 abstracts in national and international conference proceedings and has contributed significantly to the scientific community by peer-reviewing for more than 30 esteemed journals.
In 2023, Dr. Farid was a fellow of the British Council-Charles Wallace Fellowship program at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Prior to that, in 2007, he received a fellowship for "Training in the Environmental, Agricultural, and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Techniques" from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He is a Research Fellow of INTI International University.