<p>“Overall, this book presents the most comprehensive and cutting-edge information available on the scientific principles, biological processes, and how-to aspects of sustainable weed management. It comprises 25 well-written chapters and contributions from 49 leading international experts in the field of integrated weed management. There is no single publication to date that covers the range of important topics contained in this book. It is a valuable new information resource for students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners. A comprehensive list of references is included at the end of each chapter, and numerous examples, data tables, figures, and diagrams are presented throughout the book to reinforce key concepts.” <br /> —S.K. Harrison, Professor of Weed Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA <br /><br />“Covers many topics related to sustainable weed management and will be useful to scientists working in this area. … Shows that weed management is an important science combining several strategies and taking into consideration weed population dynamics. … Thoroughly covers allelopathy and cover crops as tools for sustainable weed management.” <br /> —Kiriaki L. Kalburtji,, Professor of Agricultural Ecology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece</p>