<p>From the reviews:</p>
<p>"As we enter the new millennium, plant biology is witnessing dramatic advancement in studies related to complex behaviour of higher plants which are now beginning to reveal intelligent behaviour. … The various, interesting aspects … were the subject of the 28 papers presented at the first Symposium on Plant Neurobiology held 17-20 May 2005 in Florence … . The papers include schemes, illustrations, and tables and, finally, an ample list of references to aid further in-depth study of the treated topics." (Advances in Horticultural Science, Vol. 20 (3), 2006)</p>
<p>"This book offers an interesting perspective and a unique way to integrate knowledge in plant signal transduction and sensory biology. I recommend it for advanced graduate students and faculty, and find it worthy of purchase by university libraries." (John Z. Kiss, The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 83 (2), June, 2008)</p>