Biographical note
Rodney P. Anderson received his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Iowa in 1989. His doctoral work centered on protein synthesis mechanisms in E. coli. After graduate school, he began his academic career at Ohio Northern University where he continues to teach and conduct research with undergraduates in the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences.
Dr. Anderson has been actively involved in microbiology education. He has been a past chair of ASM's Conference on Undergraduate Education which developed the core curriculum for undergraduate microbiology courses and has organized and spoke at a number of education division symposia at ASM’s General Meeting. He is an author of two books published by ASM press: Outbreak and The Invisible ABCs.
Since earning her Ph.D. in botany at The Ohio State University in 1988, Linda M. Young has been teaching freshman and advanced-level biology courses at Ohio Northern University, a student-centered institution which emphasizes effective instruction as a faculty member’s principle responsibility. Throughout her tenure, Dr. Young has regularly directed student-based research projects and periodically collaborated with investigators at OSU. She served seven years as the Assistant Dean of the Getty College of Arts and Sciences which allowed the opportunity to implement several programs to assist students in academic difficulty, ease freshman transition into college, and support the endeavors of high-achieving students.