List of contributors; Foreword; Introduction; 1. A separate creation: diversity, distinctiveness and conservation of Australian wildlife David A. Nipperess; 2. New Zealand - a land apart William G. Lee and Daphne E. Lee; 3. The ecological consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation in New Zealand and Australia Poppy Lakeman Fraser and Robert M. Ewers; 4. The impacts of climate change on Australian and New Zealand flora and fauna Abigail Cabrelli, Linda Beaumont and Lesley Hughes; 5. Unwelcome and unpredictable: the sorry saga of cane toads in Australia Richard Shine and Benjamin L. Phillips; 6. Invasive plants and invaded ecosystems in Australia: implications for biodiversity Rachael V. Gallagher and Michelle R. Leishman; 7. Environmental weeds in New Zealand: impacts and management Margaret C. Stanley, Kate G. McAlpine and Imogen E. Bassett; 8. The insidious threat of invasive invertebrates Darren F. Ward; 9. Pollution by antibiotics and resistance genes: dissemination into Australian wildlife Michael Gillings; 10. Invasive vertebrates in Australia and New Zealand Cheryl R. Krull, Josie A. Galbraith, Al S. Glen and Helen W. Nathan; 11. Freshwaters in New Zealand Mike Joy; 12. A garden at the edge of the world: the diversity and conservation status of the New Zealand flora Carlos A. Lehnebach; 13. The evolutionary history of the Australian flora and its relevance to biodiversity conservation Maurizio Rossetto; 14. Protecting the small majority: insect conservation in Australia and New Zealand Gregory I. Holwell and Nigel R. Andrew; 15. Terrestrial mammal diversity, conservation and management in Australia Mark D. B. Eldridge and Catherine A. Herbert; 16. Marine mammals, back from the brink? Contemporary conservation issues Robert Harcourt, Helene Marsh, David Slip, Louise Chilvers, Mike Noad and Rebecca Dunlop; 17. Australian reptiles and their conservation Jonathan K. Webb, Peter S. Harlow and David A. Pike; 18. New Zealand reptiles and their conservation Nicola J. Nelson, Rod Hitchmough and Jo M. Monks; 19. Austral ark chapter - isolation, invasion and innovation: forces of change in the conservation of New Zealand birds Sarah Withers; 20. Australian birds: current status and future prospects Stephen T. Garnett, Judit K. Szabo and Donald C. Franklin; 21. Austral amphibians - Gondwanan relicts in peril Jean-Marc Hero, J. Dale Roberts, Conrad J. Hoskin, Katrin Lowe, Edward J. Narayan and Phil J. Bishop; 22. Predators in danger: shark conservation and management in Australia, New Zealand, and their neighbours Paolo Momigliano, Vanessa Flora Jaiteh and Conrad Speed; 23. 'Ragged mountain ranges, droughts and flooding rains': the evolutionary history and conservation of Australian freshwater fishes Leanne Faulks, Dean Gilligan and Luciano B. Beheregaray; 24. Down under Down Under: austral groundwater life Grant C. Hose, Maria G. Asmyhr, Steve J. B. Cooper and William F. Humphreys; 25. Fire and biodiversity in Australia John C. Z. Woinarski, Allan H. Burbidge, Sarah Comer, D. Harley, Sarah Legge, David B. Lindenmayer and Thalie B. Partridge; 26. Terrestrial protected areas of Australia Ian D. Craigie, Alana Grech, Robert L. Pressey, Vanessa M. Adams, Marc Hockings, Martin Taylor and Megan Barnes; 27. Australian marine protected areas Alana Grech, Graham Edgar, Peter Fairweather, Robert L. Pressey and Trevor Ward; 28. Marine reserves in New Zealand: ecological responses to protection and network design Nick Shears and Hannah Thomas; Index.
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