Biographical note
Dr. Sushil Kumar Upadhyay is Associate Professor in Bio-Sciences and Technology at Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana-Ambala (HR), India. Dr. Upadhyay is a Doctorate from the University of Allahabad (A Central University), and has 14+ years of rich teaching-cum-research experience in Parasitology, Animal Science, Taxonomy, Molecular Phylogeny, Nanobiotechnology, and Microbiology. Dr. Upadhyay has received more the 2 dozen of awards including certificates of excellence, Bharat Vibhushan Award, Bharat Jyoti Award, Bharat Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar, Paryavaran Ratna Puraskar, Vigyan Ratna Puraskar, Vigyan Bhushan Puraskar, Paryavaran Shri Samman, Prof. S. Yamuguti Parasites Taxonomy Promotion award, Prof. S.P. Gupta Gold medal, G.D. Bhalerao medal, Prof. S.L. Mishra Gold medal, Best Teacher award, National Elite Teacher award, Preeminent Academic excellence award, and felicitated many Fellow awards as FISEC, FSESc, FSSc, FSLSc, FISCA, FZSI, FAGEM, FHSI, FMERC, FBS, FSEZR, FIAZ, FGESA, FI2OR, FGT, FSAN, FSASS, FAELS, FSOE, FABRF, FSSN, FBSS, FISDS, FLS (London) in yesteryears. Dr. Upadhyay has served as Special Officer WCCB GoI, Global Goodwill Ambassador India (Humanitarian), and Sustainable Cosmos Ambassador GTS as well as he is the awardee of India Book of Records, National Book of Records and Magic Book of Records in past years. His research skill is excellent, published 9 patents, 44 books, and 175 research articles in peer-reviewed high-quality journals of international repute, attended 65 FDPs/OC/RC, and presented papers at 197 conferences also. Dr. Upadhyay has no stone unturned in the field of Mol-Taxonomy and Phylogeny for taxonomic validation of parasitic helminthes. His contribution to the economic empowerment of youths at the grassroots level for livelihood and sustainability through the mission "Lab to Land Transfer of Science and Technology" and vision "Earn as you Learn" is also remarkable and can't be ignored. Dr. Upadhyay is an ideal teacher and his hard work inspires students to achieve their goals and be ‘SMART’ [S=Specific, M=Meaningful, A=Achievable, R=Relevant, T=Time-bound].
Dr. Manoj Singh is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Bio-Sciences and Technology, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Ambala, India. He completed his PhD at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. He was also the recipient of ICMR-SRF during his Ph.D. He also worked as Junior Research Fellow on the project entitled "Development of seawater quality criteria for Coral reef ecosystem of "Gulf of Mannar" Region" funded by the Ministry of Earth Science (MOESICMAM) in collaboration with CPCB, India. His area of interest belongs to Nanotoxicology, Cancer nanobiology, Drug-Microbial interaction, Biomimetic and Chemical Nanosynthesis, Analytical Method Development, NPs hydrodynamic size and imaging (DLS, AFM, TEM), Drug delivery/controlled release at nanoscale, High-pressure Microfluidizer: Interactions of biomolecules and cells at interfaces, anti-fungal drug, physicochemical mechanisms of cell adhesion. He has worked as a Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Ceramic Engineering, IIT-BHU. Varanasi on the project entitled "In vivo and in vitro characterization of hydroxyapatite nanomaterials". He has been the recipient of the Young Scientist Open International "NUST-MISIS" grant competition as an international to conduct joint research at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. There he also worked as an Assistant Professor at the National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia. He is also the recipient of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Innovation Fellowship at Research and Innovation Support and Advancement, South Africa, 2017. He has more than ten years of research and teaching experience. He has published more than 85 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and has contributed to more than 15 book chapters. He also has published a book for postgraduate students. He has participated in many international conferences held abroad. He is also the recipient of an International Travel Fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST), CICS (Centre for International Co-operation in Science) and DBT as a Scientific delegate for an international conference. He is also the Recipient of PADI Open Water SCUBA Diver. He has around 1515 citations (H-index, 19; i10, 31) for his research findings. He has recently received the "Top 50 International Distinguished Academic Leader 2022" award from Green ThinkerZ.
Prof. Anil K. Sharma is having 25 years of research experience including industrial R&D, Teaching and Administration. Currently, he is working as a Professor & Head in the Department of Bioscience and Technology at M.M. (Deemed to be University) Mullana (Ambala) Haryana, India for the past 13 years [2010-till date] and before this assignment worked as a Senior Research Specialist in Health Sciences [2008-2010] and a Post Doctoral Research Fellow (Molecular Biology) [2003-2010] in the Microbiology and Immunology Department at UIC College of Medicine Chicago, IL, USA. Dr. Sharma has worked in diverse scientific fields ranging from molecular biology, cancer biology, antimicrobial drug resistance, and nanomedicines to the development of microbial strains for the remediation of heavy metals and pesticides. His contributions to Medical Biotechnology and Industrial cum Pharmaceutical Biotechnology have been greatly acknowledged. Dr. Sharma has published more than 215 articles in peer-reviewed, high-impact journals of international repute with some of them in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (ASBMB, USA) (impact factor~5.17), Plant Biotechnology Journal (impact factor 13.4), Seminars in Cancer Biology (Elsevier, impact factor~17.1), Chemosphere (IF~8.94), Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (impact factor 2.7), Immunology Cell Biology (Nature Publishing Group) (impact factor 4.2), Current Medicinal Chemistry (impact factor 4.2), etc. having more than 6685 citations [H-Index~38; i10 index: 118; Cumulative Impact Factor~575]. He has filed 17 patent inventions and published 13 books from prestigious publishers including SPRINGER, PAN-STANFORD, and NOVA Publishers as well. Dr. Sharma has been felicitated with many awards for scientific excellence during his career such as Outstanding Scientist Award-2021, Abdul Kalam Azad Award-2018, BRICPL Eminent Scientist Award (2017 & 2018), Achiever Award-2017, Appreciation Award-2008 from UIC Illinois at Chicago, USA, MGIMS Young Scientist Award-2000, VCS Memorial Young Scientist Award-1999, etc.