<p>"This latest edition of the Advances in Chromatography Series maintains the high standard of production set over forty years ago. Reviews on chromatography in the fields of bio-, analytical, organic, polymer and pharmaceutical chemistry are presented as well as chapters on countercurrent chromatography, large-scale genotyping and cyclic voltammetry detection."<br />—<em>Chromatographia</em>, October 2010</p><p><strong>Praise for Previous Editions</strong></p><p>"Featuring reliable, comprehensive reviews of current major developments in chromatography, <strong>Volume 43</strong> studies the latest advances in the field with contributions and research from world-renowned leaders in industry—providing detailed discussions of current topics, issues, and developments in separation science … ."<br />—<em>Anticancer Research</em></p><p>"… the articles are of high scientific standard, up to date, very well written, and interesting to read."<br />—<em>Journal of Chromatography</em> </p><p>"… a valuable contribution to the chromatography literature … belongs in every library used by chromatographers."<br />—<em>Liquid Chromatography</em> </p><p>"…maintains the high quality that chromatographers have come to expect from this valuable series."<br />—<em>Journal of Pharmaceutical Science</em> </p>