<p>"Robin S. Brown, the editor of this important, erudite volume, sets out to compare the contributions of Freud and Jung, including Bion, Klein, Kohut, Lacan and some relational thinkers along the way, hoping through dialogue to further overcome the rift between these two protagonists and their respective theories. Brown, as I, believe that this is an auspicious time for more openness between these two camps, evidenced by Jungians and contemporary psychoanalysts more often appearing on each other’s respective conference panels. Undoubtedly movement from the hegemony of the classical model to a pluralism of models within contemporary psychoanalysis as well as the opening of Jungians to these contemporary trends has made this détente possible. I find this volume to be unusually informative and highly recommend it to all levels of mental health professionals and to lay persons interested in this subject matter." - <strong>James L. Fosshage, Ph.D., Co-founder of the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, and Clinical Professor of Psychology for the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, USA</strong>"The acrimonious separation of Freud and Jung in early 1913 fostered divisions between psychoanalysis and analytical psychology that persist to this day, and which, until recently, have largely prevented a mutually beneficial dialogue between these disciplines. This collection of stimulating essays is a timely and significant contribution that explores the fertile common ground and creative differences between a number of approaches to the psychology of the unconscious, carefully illuminating historical points of division and issues of contemporary relevance, both theoretical and therapeutic. Readers will come away from this book enriched and energized by the ideas under discussion, and inspired by the contributors’ endeavors to bring forth a more integral understanding of the field." -<b> Keiron Le Grice, Ph.D., Chair of the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA</b><br />"For over a century the schools of depth psychology that developed out of the break between Freud and Jung have been characterized by mutual suspicion while at the same time often consciously or unconsciously adopting principles and practices from one another. The essays collected by Robin Brown in this volume have set as their objective an assessment of the break between Freud and Jung, the implications of their theories for the mutual development of depth psychology and the variety of hitherto obscured connections that already exist. This is a long overdue project, but one that is admirably fulfilled by this group of psychoanalysts and analytical psychologists. The essays range from the impact of the organizational structures of Freud’s Wednesday Group and the Burghölzli Hospital on the origins of psychoanalysis to Lacan’s <i>object a</i> and Jung’s anima, covering a host of issues central to understanding what happened to depth psychology at its beginning, and providing essential insights into how the project originally envisioned at that time may yet go forward. This collection of thought provoking, deeply researched papers is highly recommended."- <strong>George B. Hogenson, Ph.D., Vice President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology</strong><strong>, USA</strong><br /><br />"I have always felt that the tragic theoretical split between Freud and Jung left a dissociative gap from which our field of psychoanalysis has been struggling to recover ever since. The stimulating essays in Robin Brown’s <i>Re-Encountering Jung </i>are a significant contribution toward the healing of that rift. What’s more, they are exciting to read, and contribute to the hope that a united psychoanalysis will be a stronger and more integrated voice on behalf of the human soul. I highly recommend this book!" - <b>Donald E. Kalsched, Ph.D., author of <i>The Inner World of Trauma</i> and <em>Trauma and the Soul</em>, USA</b>"This collection of divergent essays is a most welcome and timely contribution to a long overdue dialogue among various schools of depth psychology. Comparative studies are not easy, and the care taken by the authors here is exemplary. Robin Brown is to be applauded for initiating this important step in the further development of the field of psychoanalysis." - <b>Murray Stein, Ph.D., past President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology, Switzerland</b></p>
Biographical note
Robin S. Brown, PhD, LP, NCPsyA, is a psychoanalyst in private practice and a member of adjunct faculty for the clinical psychology department at Teachers College, Columbia University.