<p>"Covering everything from Aristotle to zombies to <i>Breaking Bad</i>, Carol Owens and Stephanie Swales have written a masterpiece unlocking the secrets of ambivalence. In <i>Psychoanalysing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan</i>, they demonstrate that ambivalence is perhaps the central category in social relations. The need for this book is especially urgent today, in an era characterised by its various ways of refusing ambivalence, which are, Owens and Swales make clear, ways of refusing the price of interacting with others altogether. <i>Psychoanalysing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan</i> speaks to the contemporary political catastrophe better than any book I’ve read." –<em><strong>Todd McGowan</strong>, Professor, University of Vermont, USA</em></p><p>"Exceptionally wide-ranging, deeply learned and laugh-out-loud funny, this book demonstrates how much psychoanalysis still has to offer when it comes to destabilising our contemporary glorification of strong, stable, and unequivocal rationalities. Yet for all its insistence on the inexorability of ambivalence, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel ambivalent about what Swales and Owens have done. Feel confident, stand firm and commit yourself wholeheartedly to this book. You shall be rewarded with countless redemptive questions about all that is dear to you." --<em><strong>Dany Nobus</strong>, Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology, Brunel University London</em></p><p>In 1958, Lacan claimed hat many of us "have in our presence someone who […] is truly dead, and has been for some time, dead and mummified […]. Being half-dead is perhaps far more prevalent than we think […]. Isn’t it true that the part of every living being that is half-dead does not leave us a perfectly clear conscience? […] [We defend against] what is half-dead in us, too." Was he, in fact, already talking about the ever-more-ubiquitous zombies that Owens and Swales convincingly associate with our own increasingly unrecognized ambivalence? Reader beware: the dead, the un-dead, vampires, and myriad other uncanny creatures of the contemporary silver screen and television crawl out of the pages of this book, reminding us of those things we’d rather not know about ourselves. Things—including hatred of our neighbour, prejudice, and jealousy—that, as the authors persuasively argue, we are no longer supposed to feel, much less express! Why should we be surprised when they reappear in other forms and contexts? —Bruce Fink, <em>Lacanian psychoanalyst</em></p>
<p>"Covering everything from Aristotle to zombies to <i>Breaking Bad</i>, Carol Owens and Stephanie Swales have written a masterpiece unlocking the secrets of ambivalence. In <i>Psychoanalyzing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan</i>, they demonstrate that ambivalence is perhaps the central category in social relations. The need for this book is especially urgent today, in an era characterized by its various ways of refusing ambivalence, which are, Owens and Swales make clear, ways of refusing the price of interacting with others altogether. <i>Psychoanalyzing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan</i> speaks to the contemporary political catastrophe better than any book I’ve read." –<em><strong>Todd McGowan</strong>, Professor, University of Vermont, USA</em></p><p>"Exceptionally wide-ranging, deeply learned and laugh-out-loud funny, this book demonstrates how much psychoanalysis still has to offer when it comes to destabilizing our contemporary glorification of strong, stable and unequivocal rationalities. Yet for all its insistence on the inexorability of ambivalence, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel ambivalent about what Swales and Owens have done. Feel confident, stand firm and commit yourself wholeheartedly to this book. You shall be rewarded with countless redemptive questions about all that is dear to you." --<em><strong>Dany Nobus</strong>, Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology, Brunel University London</em></p><p>In 1958, Lacan claimed that many of us "have in our presence someone who […] is truly dead, and has been for some time, dead and mummified […]. Being half-dead is perhaps far more prevalent than we think […]. Isn’t it true that the part of every living being that is half-dead does not leave us a perfectly clear conscience? […] [We defend against] what is half-dead in us, too." Was he, in fact, already talking about the ever-more-ubiquitous zombies that Owens and Swales convincingly associate with our own increasingly unrecognized ambivalence? Reader beware: the dead, the un-dead, vampires, and myriad other uncanny creatures of the contemporary silver screen and television crawl out of the pages of this book, reminding us of those things we’d rather not know about ourselves. Things—including hatred of our neighbour, prejudice, and jealousy—that, as the authors persuasively argue, we are no longer supposed to feel, much less express! Why should we be surprised when they reappear in other forms and contexts? —Bruce Fink, <em>Lacanian psychoanalyst</em></p>
Biographical note
Carol Owens, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst and psychoanalytic scholar in Dublin, Ireland. She edited The Letter: Perspectives in Lacanian Psychoanalysis (2003–2008), Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children and Adolescents: Further Notes on the Child (with Farrelly Quinn, Routledge, 2017) and Studying Lacan’s Seminars IV and V: From Lack to Desire (with Nadezhda Almqvist, Routledge, 2019). She is the series editor for the newly establishedRoutledge series, Studying Lacan’s Seminars.
Stephanie Swales, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Dallas, USA, a practicing psychoanalyst, a licensed clinical psychologist, and a clinical supervisor located in Dallas, Texas. Her first book, Perversion: A Lacanian Psychoanalytic Approach to the Subject, was published by Routledge in 2012.