Miss Tarring's War The Diary of an English Governess in Hungarian Transylvania 1914-18 Watson Elizabeth Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Living Terraces in Ethiopia Konso Landscape, Culture and Development Watson Elizabeth E. Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Children’s Understandings of Well-being Towards a Child Standpoint Fattore Tobia Innbundet / 2016 / Engelsk
Children’s Understandings of Well-being Towards a Child Standpoint Fattore Tobia Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Travels on the Eve of War Diary of Alice Mary Sinclair 28 to 23 September1939 Watson Elizabeth Heftet / 2024 / Engelsk
Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-east Africa Volume I: Ethiopia and Kenya Schlee, Günther Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-east Africa Volume II: Sudan, Uganda, and the Ethiopia-Sudan Borderlands Schlee, Günther Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-east Africa Volume I: Ethiopia and Kenya Schlee, Günther Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-east Africa Volume II: Sudan, Uganda, and the Ethiopia-Sudan Borderlands Schlee, Günther Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk