Restructuring Universities Politics and Power in the Management of Change Walford Geoffrey Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Policy and Politics in Education Sponsored Grant-maintained Schools and Religious Diversity Walford Geoffrey Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Restructuring Universities Politics and Power in the Management of Change Walford Geoffrey Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Policy and Politics in Education Sponsored Grant-maintained Schools and Religious Diversity Walford Geoffrey Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Education and the Labour Government An Evaluation of Two Terms Walford Geoffrey Innbundet / 2006 / Engelsk
Education and the Labour Government An Evaluation of Two Terms Walford Geoffrey Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Tracing Education Policy Selections from the Oxford Review of Education Phillips, David Innbundet / 2006 / Engelsk
Tracing Education Policy Selections from the Oxford Review of Education Phillips, David Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
Private Schooling in Less Economically Developed Countries Asian and African Perspectives Srivastava Prachi Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Education, Privatisation and Social Justice Case Studies from Africa, South Asia and South East Asia MacPherson Ian Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk