Lao Tzu's TAO TEH KING BILINGUAL EDITION: original full text in CHINESE ideograms and romanization, with an ENGLISH translation by Dwight Goddard (1919) Tzu Lao Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Tao Te Ching (The Way) by Lao-Tzu Special Collector's Edition with an Introduction by the Dalai Lama Tzu Lao Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Tao Te Ching The New Translation from Tao Te Ching: the Definitive Edition Tzu Lao Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Tao Te Ching, Eighty-one Maxims from the Father of Taoism Bradshaw-Jones Colin Heftet / 2006 / Engelsk