Operation Millennium 'Bomber' Harris's Raid on Cologne, May 1942 Taylor, Eric Heftet / 2004 / Engelsk
Southeast Asian Refugee English Proficiency and Education in Texas: Findings From the Texas Refugee Study, Texas Office of Immigration and Refugee Affairs, Texas Department of Human Services (Classic Reprint) Taylor, Eric H. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Vietnamese, Laotian, Ethiopian and Former Soviet Union Refugees in Texas: Findings From the Texas Refugee Study (Classic Reprint) Taylor, Eric H. Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Vietnamese, Laotian, Ethiopian and Former Soviet Union Refugees in Texas: Findings From the Texas Refugee Study (Classic Reprint) Taylor, Eric H. Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Mastering the World of Selling The Ultimate Training Resource from the Biggest Names in Sales Taylor, Eric Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Research and Innovation on the Road to Modern Child Psychiatry: Volume 2 Classic Papers by Professor Sir Michael Rutter Taylor, Eric Heftet / 2001 / Engelsk