Species at Risk Using Economic Incentives to Shelter Endangered Species on Private Lands Shogren Jason F. Heftet / 2005 / Engelsk
Protecting Endangered Species in the United States Biological Needs, Political Realities, Economic Choices Shogren Jason F. Innbundet / 2001 / Engelsk
Protecting Endangered Species in the United States Biological Needs, Political Realities, Economic Choices Shogren Jason F. Heftet / 2008 / Engelsk
Theory, Modeling and Experience in the Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution Russell Clifford S. Innbundet / 1993 / Engelsk
Theory, Modeling and Experience in the Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution Russell Clifford S. Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Food Consumption and Policy Lusk Jayson L. Innbundet / 2011 / Engelsk
Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Food Consumption and Policy Lusk Jayson L. Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Integrating Economic and Ecological Indicators Practical Methods for Environmental Policy Analysis Milon, J. Walter Innbundet / 1995 / Engelsk
Experimental Auctions Methods and Applications in Economic and Marketing Research Lusk Jayson L. Innbundet / 2007 / Engelsk
Experimental Auctions Methods and Applications in Economic and Marketing Research Lusk Jayson L. Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk