Shankar Goyal: Marching with history Festschrift to Professor Shankar Goyal, a historian of international repute Seshan Radhika Innbundet / 2022 / Engelsk
Indian Ocean Histories The Many Worlds of Michael Naylor Pearson Mukherjee Rila Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Indian Ocean Histories The Many Worlds of Michael Naylor Pearson Mukherjee Rila Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Merchants and Ports in the Indian Ocean World Across Sea and Land Seshan Radhika Innbundet / 2023 / Engelsk
Merchants and Ports in the Indian Ocean World Across Sea and Land Seshan Radhika Heftet / 2023 / Engelsk
Constructions of the East in Western Travel Narratives, 1200 CE to 1800 CE Seshan Radhika Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Constructions of the East in Western Travel Narratives, 1200 CE to 1800 CE Seshan Radhika Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk