Struggle for the European Constitution A Past and Future History O'Neill, Michael Innbundet / 2008 / Engelsk
Green Parties and Political Change in Contemporary Europe New Politics, Old Predicaments O'Neill, Michael Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Struggle for the European Constitution A Past and Future History O'Neill, Michael Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Green Parties and Political Change in Contemporary Europe New Politics, Old Predicaments O'Neill, Michael Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
There Is Only One Finish Line Joe Schmo's Philosophy on Life and Running O'Neill, Michael, T. Heftet / 2005 / Engelsk
There Is Only One Finish Line Joe Schmo's Philosophy on Life and Running O'Neill, Michael, T. Innbundet / 2005 / Engelsk
Literature of the Romantic Period A Bibliographical Guide O'Neill, Michael Innbundet / 1998 / Engelsk
Poems of W.B. Yeats A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook O'Neill, Michael Innbundet / 2003 / Engelsk