Plato Redivivus, or a Dialogue Concerning Government: Wherein, by Observations Drawn From Other Kingdoms and States Both Ancient and Modern, an Endeavour Is Used to Discover the Present Politick Distemper of Our Own, With the Causes, and Remedies Neville Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Parlament of Ladies, or Divers Remarkable Orders, of the Ladies at Spring Garden, in Parlament Assembled: Together With Certain Votes, of the Unlawful Assembly, at Kate's, in Covent Garden, Both Sent Abroad to Prevent Misinformation (Classic Reprint) Neville Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Warhafftige Beschreibung der Newen Insl, Pines Genannt, So Nechst Verwichnes Jahr 1667. Von den Holländern Erfunden Worden: Aus dem Französischen in Deutsche Sprach Übersetzt (Classic Reprint) Neville Henry Heftet / 2018 / Tysk
Stage: Its Past and Present in Relation, to Fine Art (Classic Reprint) Neville Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Parlament of Ladies, or Divers Remarkable Orders, of the Ladies at Spring Garden, in Parlament Assembled: Together With Certain Votes, of the Unlawful Assembly, at Kate's, in Covent Garden, Both Sent Abroad to Prevent Misinformation (Classic Reprint) Neville Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Plato Redivivus, or a Dialogue Concerning Government: Wherein, by Observations Drawn From Other Kingdoms and States Both Ancient and Modern, an Endeavour Is Used to Discover the Present Politick Distemper of Our Own, With the Causes, and Remedies Neville Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Stage: Its Past and Present in Relation, to Fine Art (Classic Reprint) Neville Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Isle of Pines Or, a Late Discovery of a Fourth Island in Terra Australis Incognita. Being a True Relation ... Written and Left by the Man Himself, a Little Before His Death, and Declared to the Dutch by His Grandchild. Licensed, June 27. 1668. Neville Henry Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Isle of Pines Or, a Late Discovery of a Fourth Island in Terra Australis Incognita. Being a True Relation ... Written and Left by the man Himself, a Little Before his Death, and Declared to the Dutch by his Grandchild. Licensed, June 27. 1668 Neville Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk