Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques 19th International Workshop, WADT 2008, Pisa, Italy, June 13-16, 2008, Revised Selected Papers Corradini Andrea Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
CONCUR '96: Concurrency Theory 7th International Conference, Pisa, Italy, August 26 - 29, 1996. Proceedings Montanari Ugo Heftet / 1996 / Engelsk
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP '95 First International Conference, CP '95, Cassis, France, September 19 - 22, 1995. Proceedings Montanari Ugo Heftet / 1995 / Engelsk
System Development and Ada CRAI Workshop on Software Factories and Ada, Capri, Italy, May 26-30, 1986, Proceedings Habermann, A. Nico Heftet / 1987 / Engelsk
Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science Second International Conference, CALCO 2007, Bergen, Norway, August 20-24, 2007, Proceedings Mossakowski Till Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Trustworthy Global Computing Second Symposium, TGC 2006, Lucca, Italy, November 7-9, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Montanari Ugo Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile Computing IFIP 17th World Computer Congress — TC1 Stream / 2nd IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS 2002) August 25–30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada Baeza-Yates Ricardo Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Automata, Languages and Programming 27th International Colloquium, ICALP 2000, Geneva, Switzerland, July 9-15, 2000 Proceedings Montanari Ugo Heftet / 2000 / Engelsk
Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile Computing IFIP 17th World Computer Congress — TC1 Stream / 2nd IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS 2002) August 25–30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada Baeza-Yates Ricardo Innbundet / 2002 / Engelsk
TAPSOFT '87: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, Pisa, Italy, March 1987 Volume 1: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development I and Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP '87) Ehrig Hartmut Heftet / 1987 / Engelsk