Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 14: Warriors of Honour Pack 6 Thórarinsdóttir, Brynhildur Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Reflect: Oxford Level 20: Warrior Queen Eldridge, Jim Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Short Narrative of Facts Relative to the Invention and Practice of Steam-Navigation (Classic Reprint) Miller Patrick Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Short Narrative of Facts Relative to the Invention and Practice of Steam-Navigation (Classic Reprint) Miller Patrick Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Driving Soma A Transformational Process in the Analytic Encounter Miller Patrick Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
They Cried to the Lord The Form and Theology of Biblical Prayer Miller Patrick D. Heftet / 1994 / Engelsk
Theology Today Reflections on the Bible and Contemporary Life Miller Patrick D. Heftet / 2006 / Engelsk
Israelite Religion and Biblical Theology Collected Essays Miller Patrick D. Innbundet / 2000 / Engelsk
Old Testament Theology Essays on Structure, Theme, and Text Brueggemann Walter Heftet / 1992 / Engelsk
Texts That Linger, Words That Explode Listening to Prophetic Voices Brueggemann Walter Heftet / 2000 / Engelsk
Like Fire in the Bones Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah Brueggemann Walter Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Deep Memory, Exuberant Hope Contested Truth in a Post-Christian World Brueggemann Walter Heftet / 2000 / Engelsk
Ending of Mark and the Ends of God Essays in Memory of Donald Harrisville Juel Gaventa Beverly Roberts Heftet / 2005 / Engelsk
Sport and the Color Line Black Athletes and Race Relations in Twentieth Century America Miller Patrick B. Heftet / 2003 / Engelsk
Lament Reclaiming Practices in Pulpit, Pew, and Public Square Brown, Sally A. Heftet / 2005 / Engelsk