Design of Energy-Efficient Application-Specific Instruction Set Processors Glökler, Tilman Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Design of Energy-Efficient Application-Specific Instruction Set Processors Glökler, Tilman Innbundet / 2004 / Engelsk
Optimized ASIP Synthesis from Architecture Description Language Models Schliebusch Oliver Innbundet / 2007 / Engelsk
Integrated System-Level Modeling of Network-on-Chip enabled Multi-Processor Platforms Kogel Tim Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Architecture Exploration for Embedded Processors with LISA Hoffmann Andreas Innbundet / 2002 / Engelsk
Optimized ASIP Synthesis from Architecture Description Language Models Schliebusch Oliver Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Integrated System-Level Modeling of Network-on-Chip enabled Multi-Processor Platforms Kogel Tim Innbundet / 2006 / Engelsk
Retargetable Processor System Integration into Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Platforms Wieferink Andreas Innbundet / 2008 / Engelsk
Retargetable Processor System Integration into Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Platforms Wieferink Andreas Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Digital Communication Receivers, Volume 2 Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing Meyr Heinrich Innbundet / 1997 / Engelsk
Language-driven Exploration and Implementation of Partially Re-configurable ASIPs Chattopadhyay Anupam Innbundet / 2008 / Engelsk
Language-driven Exploration and Implementation of Partially Re-configurable ASIPs Chattopadhyay Anupam Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk