Science Ideated The fall of matter and the contours of the next mainstream scientific worldview Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Brief Peeks Beyond Critical Essays on Metaphysics, Neuroscience, Free Will, Skepticism and Culture Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2015 / Engelsk
Idea of the World, The A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics The key to understanding how it solves the hard problem of consciousness and the paradoxes of quantum mechanics Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell A straightforward summary of the 21st century’s only plausible metaphysics Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2024 / Engelsk
Why Materialism Is Baloney – How true skeptics know there is no death and fathom answers to life, the universe, and everything Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Rationalist Spirituality – An exploration of the meaning of life and existence informed by logic and science Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Decoding Jung's Metaphysics The archetypal semantics of an experiential universe Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Meaning in Absurdity – What bizarre phenomena can tell us about the nature of reality Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Dreamed up Reality – Diving into mind to uncover the astonishing hidden tale of nature Kastrup Bernardo Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk