Cydymmaith I'r Hwsmon Neu Lyfr Yn Cynnwys Ynddo Fyfyrdodau, AR Bedwar Tymmor y Flwyddyn; ... Gan Hugh Jones, ... Jones, Hugh Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Myfyrdodau AR Ddamhegion a Gwrthiau Ein Hiachawdwr Jesu Grist, Yn Gynnwysedig Yn y Pedair Efengyl Gan Hugh Jones, ... Jones, Hugh Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
John Balguy an English Moralist Of The 18th Century (Classic Reprint) Jones, Hugh David Heftet / 2018 / Tysk
Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Classical Quotations: Comprising 14, 000 Idioms, Proverbs, Maxims Mottoes, Technical Words and Terms, and Press Allusions From the Works of the Great Writers in Latin, French, Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Jones, Hugh Percy Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Classical Quotations: Comprising 14, 000 Idioms, Proverbs, Maxims Mottoes, Technical Words and Terms, and Press Allusions From the Works of the Great Writers in Latin, French, Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Jones, Hugh Percy Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
John Balguy an English Moralist Of The 18th Century (Large Text Classic Reprint) Jones, Hugh David Heftet / 2018 / Tysk