Limits of Common Humanity Motivating the Responsibility to Protect in a Changing Global Order Jarvis, Samuel Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Historical Record of the Eighty-Second Regiment, or Prince of Wales's Volunteers (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Limits of Common Humanity Motivating the Responsibility to Protect in a Changing Global Order Jarvis, Samuel Innbundet / 2022 / Engelsk
Historical Record of the Eighty-Second Regiment, or Prince of Wales's Volunteers (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Church of Redeemed: Or, the History of the Mediatorial Kingdom Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church: Being a New Inquiry Into the True Dates of the Birth and Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; And Containing an Original Harmony of the Four Gospels (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Church of the Redeemed, or the History of the Mediatorial Kingdom, Vol. 1: Containing the First Five Periods; From the Fall of Adam, in Paradise, to the Rejection of the Jews and the Calling of the Gentiles (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Historical Record of the Eighty-Second Regiment, or Prince of Wales's Volunteers Jarvis, Samuel Peters Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes of North America : delivered before the New-York historical society, December 20, 1819... Jarvis, Samuel F. Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Reply to Doctor Milner's "End of Religious Controversy," So Far as the Churches of the English Communion Are Concerned (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
To the Public: A Contradiction of the Libel Under the Signature of "a Relative," Published in the Canadian Freeman, of the 28th February, 1828; Together With a Few Remarks, Tracing the Origin of the Unfriendly Feeling Which Ultimately Led to the Jarvis, Samuel Peters Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Long Home of Man A Sermon, Preached in St. Stephen's Church, East Haddam, on Tuesday, the 16th Day of January, 1838, at the Funeral of the REV. Stephen Beach, Late Rector of That Parish Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Innbundet / 2015 / Engelsk
Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America: Delivered Before the New-York Historical Society, December 20, 1819 (Large Text Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel F. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America: Delivered Before the New-York Historical Society, December 20, 1819 (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel F. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Church of the Redeemed, or the History of the Mediatorial Kingdom, Vol. 1: Containing the First Five Periods; From the Fall of Adam, in Paradise, to the Rejection of the Jews and the Calling of the Gentiles (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church: Being a New Inquiry Into the True Dates of the Birth and Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; And Containing an Original Harmony of the Four Gospels (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
To the Public: A Contradiction of the Libel Under the Signature of "a Relative," Published in the Canadian Freeman, of the 28th February, 1828; Together With a Few Remarks, Tracing the Origin of the Unfriendly Feeling Which Ultimately Led to the Jarvis, Samuel Peters Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Statement of Facts Relating: To the Trespass on the Printing Press in the Possession of Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie, in June, 1826 (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Peters Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Reply to Doctor Milner's "End of Religious Controversy," So Far as the Churches of the English Communion Are Concerned (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Voice From Connecticut: Occasioned by the Late Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of North Carolina to the Clergy and Laity of His Diocese (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church, Being a New Inquiry Into the True Dates of the Birth and Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and Containing an Original Harmony of the Four Gospels, Now First Arranged in the Order Jarvis, Samuel F. Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Long Home of Man A Sermon, Preached in St. Stephen's Church, East Haddam, on Tuesday, the 16th Day of January, 1838, at the Funeral of the REV. Stephen Beach, Late Rector of That Parish Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church, Being a New Inquiry Into the True Dates O Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Voice From Connecticut: Occasioned by the Late Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of North Carolina to the Clergy and Laity of His Diocese (Classic Reprint) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Long Home of Man: a Sermon, Preached in St. Stephen's Church, East Haddam, on Tuesday, the 16Th Day of January, 1838, at the Funeral of the Rev. Stephen Beach, Late Rector of That Parish Jarvis, Samuel Farmar Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk