Political Unconscious Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act Jameson, Fredric Innbundet / 2002 / Engelsk
Prison-House of Language A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism Jameson, Fredric Heftet / 1975 / Engelsk
Fables of Aggression Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist Jameson, Fredric Heftet / 2008 / Engelsk
Inventions of a Present The Novel in its Crisis of Globalization Jameson, Fredric Innbundet / 2024 / Engelsk
Marxism and Form 20th-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature Jameson, Fredric Heftet / 1974 / Engelsk
Geopolitical Aesthetic Cinema and Space in the World System Jameson, Fredric R. Heftet / 1995 / Engelsk
Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs Israeli and Palestinian Literature of the Global Contemporary Cohen Lustig, Kfir Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs Israeli and Palestinian Literature of the Global Contemporary Cohen Lustig, Kfir Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Simple Forms Legend, Saga, Myth, Riddle, Saying, Case, Memorabile, Fairytale, Joke Jolles, André Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk