Discourse, Delivered at the Annual Election, January 4, 1832 Before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts. Dean Paul Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Course of Lectures in Defence of the Final Restoration: Delivered in the Bulfinch Street Church, Boston, in the Winter of Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Two (Classic Reprint) Dean Paul Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered at the Annual Election, January 4, 1832: Before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts Dean Paul Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered at the Annual Election, January 4, 1832: Before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) Dean Paul Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Course of Lectures in Defence of the Final Restoration: Delivered in the Bulfinch Street Church, Boston, in the Winter of Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Two (Classic Reprint) Dean Paul Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered at the Annual Election, January 4, 1832: Before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) Dean Paul Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Kill Stealer: an Adventure Loosely Based on the Quantified Self Movement Dominguez, Dean Paul Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk