Participation and Atonement – An Analytic and Constructive Account Crisp Oliver D. Innbundet / 2023 / Engelsk
Revisioning Christology Theology in the Reformed Tradition Crisp Oliver D. Innbundet / 2011 / Engelsk
Freedom, Redemption and Communion: Studies in Christian Doctrine Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Freedom, Redemption and Communion: Studies in Christian Doctrine Crisp Oliver D. Innbundet / 2021 / Engelsk
Third Person of the Trinity Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Divine Action and Providence Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Advancing Trinitarian Theology Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Christian Doctrine of Humanity Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Voice of God in the Text of Scripture Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
After Jonathan Edwards The Courses of the New England Theology Crisp Oliver D. Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Analytic Theology New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology Crisp Oliver D. Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
After Jonathan Edwards The Courses of the New England Theology Crisp Oliver D. Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Uncovering Calvin’s God John Calvin on Predestination and the Love of God Buckner, Forrest H. Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Uncovering Calvin’s God John Calvin on Predestination and the Love of God Buckner, Forrest H. Innbundet / 2020 / Engelsk