Report of Analytical and Other Work Done on Sorghum and Cornstalks, by the Chemical Division of the Department: July to December, 1880 (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Future of Agriculture in the United States: An Address (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Sorghum as a Source of Sugar: Including a Review of the Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sorghum; Its Culture and Manufacture Economically Considered as a Source of Sugar, Syrup and Fodder Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2015 / Engelsk
Report of Analytical and Other Work Done on Sorghum and Cornstalks, by the Chemical Division of the Department: July to December, 1880 (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sorghum: Its Culture and Manufacture Economically Considered as a Source of Sugar, Syrup and Fodder (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sorghum as a Source of Sugar, Including a Review of the Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture Collier, Peter Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Sorghum: Its Culture and Manufacture Economically Considered as a Source of Sugar, Syrup and Fodder (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sorghum as a Source of Sugar: Including a Review of the Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sorghum; Its Culture and Manufacture Economically Considered as a Source of Sugar, Syrup and Fodder Collier, Peter Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Investigation of Sorghum as a Sugar-Producing Plant: Season of 1882 (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Future of Agriculture in the United States: An Address (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Choosing Courage Inspiring True Stories of What It Means to Be a Hero Collier, Peter Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
First Annual Report of the Vermont State Board of Agriculture, Manufactures and Mining, for the Year 1872 (Classic Reprint) Collier, Peter Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Medal of Honor, Revised & Updated Third Edition Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty Collier, Peter Innbundet / 2016 / Engelsk
New Approaches to Crime in French Literature, Culture and Film Hardwick Louise Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Poetics of the Antilles Poetry, History and Philosophy in the Writings of Perse, Césaire, Fanon and Glissant Khalfa Jean Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
Subversion ou conformisme ? La différence des sexes dans l’œuvre d’Agota Kristof Cutcan Simona Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Remembering the (Post)Colonial Self Memory and Identity in the Novels of Assia Djebar Murray, Jennifer Heftet / 2008 / Engelsk
Enduring Negativity Representations of Albinism in the Novels of Didier Destremau, Patrick Grainville and Williams Sassine Baker Charlotte Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Haptic Experience in the Writings of Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot and Michel Serres Lee, Crispin Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Culture and Identity in Belgian Francophone Writing Dialogue, Diversity and Displacement Bainbrigge Susan Heftet / 2008 / Engelsk
Music, Poetry, Propaganda Constructing French Cultural Soundscapes at the BBC during the Second World War Launchbury Claire Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Crossing Borders The Interrelation of Fact and Fiction in Historical Works, Travel Tales, Autobiography and Reportage Ramsden Maureen A. Heftet / 2015 / Engelsk
Forms of Capital: General Sociology, Volume 3 Lectures at the Collège de France 1983 - 84 Bourdieu Pierre Heftet / 2024 / Engelsk
Interest in Disinterestedness Lectures at the College de France 1987-1989 Bourdieu Pierre Innbundet / 2024 / Engelsk
Forms of Capital: General Sociology, Volume 3 Lectures at the Collège de France 1983 - 84 Bourdieu Pierre Innbundet / 2021 / Engelsk
Classification Struggles General Sociology, Volume 1 (1981-1982) Bourdieu Pierre Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk