Toward an Anthropology of Screens Showing and Hiding, Exposing and Protecting Carbone Mauro Innbundet / 2023 / Engelsk
Toward an Anthropology of Screens Showing and Hiding, Exposing and Protecting Carbone Mauro Heftet / 2024 / Engelsk
Merleau-Ponty's Poetic of the World Philosophy and Literature Johnson, Galen A. Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Merleau-Ponty's Poetic of the World Philosophy and Literature Johnson, Galen A. Innbundet / 2020 / Engelsk
Chiasmi International no.21 Merlau-Ponty - An Excerpt from the Unpublished Course on the Porblem of Speech Carbone Mauro Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Chiasmi International 18 Le corps, la machine, l’inconscient - The body, the machine, the unconscious - Il corpo, la macchina, l’inconscio Carbone Mauro Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Chiasmi International 24 ANTHROPOCENE AND CRITICAL PHENOMENOLOGY Carbone Mauro Heftet / 2024 / Engelsk
Chiasmi International 19 Penser le dehors: politique, esthétique, ontologie - Thinking the outside: politics, aestheontology - Pensare il fuori: politica, estetica, ontologia Carbone Mauro Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk