Universal Measurements: How To Free Three Birds In One Move Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Worldviews, Science And Us: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Worlds, Cultures And Society - Proceedings Of The Workshop On "Worlds, Cultures And Society" Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2011 / Engelsk
Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality The Indigo Book of `Einstein Meets Magritte' Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality The Indigo Book of `Einstein Meets Magritte' Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics: Physical, Philosophical, And Logical Perspectives Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk
Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics: Probability, Metaphysics, Explanation And Measurement Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2023 / Engelsk
Einstein Meets Magritte: An Interdisciplinary Reflection The White Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
Einstein Meets Magritte: An Interdisciplinary Reflection The White Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
World In Transition: Humankind and Nature The Green Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
World In Transition: Humankind and Nature The Green Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
Worldviews, Science And Us: Bridging Knowledge And Its Implications For Our Perspectives Of The World - Proceedings Of The Workshop On Times Of Entanglement Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2011 / Engelsk
Quantum-Like Models for Information Retrieval and Decision-Making Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Quantum-Like Models for Information Retrieval and Decision-Making Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture A Non-Adaptationist, Systems Theoretical Approach Gontier Nathalie Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture A Non-Adaptationist, Systems Theoretical Approach Gontier Nathalie Innbundet / 2006 / Engelsk
Science, Technology, and Social Change The Orange Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics: Superpositions, Dynamics, Semantics And Identity Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2016 / Engelsk
Science, Technology, and Social Change The Orange Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
World Views and the Problem of Synthesis The Yellow Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
World Views and the Problem of Synthesis The Yellow Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte” Aerts Diederik Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics: Information, Contextuality, Relationalism And Entanglement - Proceedings Of The Ii International Workshop On Quantum Mechanics And Quantum Information. Physical, Philosophical And Logical Approaches Aerts Diederik Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk