Biographical note
Maximiliano E. Korstanje, PhD, is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. In addition to being a Senior Researcher in the Department of Economics at the University of Palermo, Argentina, he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK, and the University of La Habana, Cuba. Dr. Korstanje is a book series editor of Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and Service Sectors and Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations.
Babu George, PhD, is Professor and Associate Dean in the School of Business, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee. Previously, he served in a diverse range of academic-administrative roles at various universities, including Fort Hays State University, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Alaska Pacific University, University of Southern Mississippi, among others. In addition, he holds visiting professor designations at more than fifteen universities around the world. He has published more than 200 research papers in international scholarly journals.