For more than two decades, The Use of Force has been the 'go-to' book for both introductory and advanced courses in security studies. Like its distinguished predecessors, this new edition still combines classic theoretical articles and up-to-date analyses of critical contemporary issues. If you are going to assign one book to your students, this is the one.
- Stephen M. Walt, Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University,
The Use of Force has long been the leading reader in the area of security studies. It deftly combines the 'classics' with the best new scholarship on emerging issues, and takes care to present competing perspectives. I have used it for years and hope to do so for years to come.
- Peter Feaver, Triangle Institute for Security Studies, Duke University,
It is hard to imagine a better collection of traditional security analyses by prominent realist scholars.
- Deborah Avant, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver,
Like the eighth edition of The Use of Force you will.
- Yoda,