Who would have thought that university researchers could offer deeper insights into the significance of how we’re talking about the Iraq conflict than professional political analysts? Me, and I hope, you. These expert analyses of the rhetoric of war-for-peace by leading scholars should be read by all of us who can’t believe what we’re hearing – because this won’t be the last time we hear it.
- Jay Lemke, Professor of Educational Studies, University of Michigan,
[...] these six papers provide unique and complementary perspectives on the 'soft power' of war. They illuminate the interdependencies that exist between politics and media while providing important insights into the capicity of discourse to construct the world and wield power through consensus rather than physical coercion.
- Adam Hodges, University of Colorado, in the Journal of Sociolinguistics 14(3), 2010,
Remarkable and diverse analyses of political and media discourses which construct and perform the ‘hard’ power of war and economics as they produce concepts of ‘international community’ and shape the ‘legitimacy’ of war. This collection adds much to our understandings of the ways in which soft power operates, and is a real contribution to the development of current theoretical approaches and practices in the field of critical discourse analysis.
- Terry Threadgold, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies,
This volume allows a unique perspective on the many voices and pictures accompanying the war in Iraq since 2003. The chapters do not offer isolated and de-contextualized perspectives; they manifest in precise and detailed analyses how wars are dealt with in the journalistic and political fields. Thus, we come to understand the global complexity of the war in Iraq, the many discourses which are drawn upon, on the one hand; and, on the other, the astonishing one-dimensionality which raises the question why such rhetoric still seems to "work" and why it retains its persuasive force for many.
- Ruth Wodak, Professor in Discourse Studies, Lancaster University,