"Adeed Dawisha has provided both a fluent overview and a useful historical background to the Arab Spring. It will be a book that all concerned with the Middle East need to read."
- Robert D. Kaplan, author of The Revenge of Geography,
"Adeed Dawisha has written a masterful account of the Arab awakening and its historical roots. His assessment of the prospects for democracy and the challenge from Islamists is both insightful and deeply sobering."
- Seth G. Jones, author of Hunting in the Shadows: The Pursuit of al Qa’ida since 9/11,
"The call for change that has swept across the Arab world since January 2011 is one of the most significant and historical transformations of our time. Adeed Dawisha provides a wonderful account of why and how this tumult happened and what to expect of it in the years to come. Insightful and well-written this book is one of the most thoughtful analyses of the Arab Spring."
- Vali Nasr, author of The Dispensable Nation and The Shia Revival,