One of the central texts of French structuralism (and of modern Marxism as well). Its critique of humanism and what Althusser called historicism remains relevant and ought to be renewed in our time.
- Fredric Jameson,
The complete edition of Reading Capital returns us to the excitement of the book's first publication. It not only makes available some remarkable essays not included in previous English editions but also allows us to see clearly how the essays emerged from the dynamic interactions of a university seminar.
- Michael Hardt, co-author of the <i>Empire</i> trilogy,
Biographical note
Louis Althusser (1918-90) taught philosophy for many years at the École normale supérieur in Paris. He was a leading intellectual in the French Communist Party.Étienne Balibar is Anniversary Chair at Kingston University and Professor Emeritus at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
Jacques Rancière is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII.
Pierre Macherey is Emeritus Professor at the University of Lille III.
Roger Establet is Emeritus Professor at the University of Provence.