`On balance, the Beliefs in Government series provides one of the most ambitious examples of secondary data analysis in social science research, and it highlights both the strengths and limitations of this approach. The strengths are impressive.'
American Political Science Review
`The substantive findings that emerge from the Beliefs in Government project are encouraging for supporters of democracy.'
American Political Sceince Review
`a useful discussion of the European integration literature, including a critique of neofunctionalist theories'
American Political Science Review
`The first four volumes contain many chapters that students of European politics and comparative public opinion will find valuable. The fifth volume, coauthored by Kaase and Newton, provides a useful overall perspective on the research.'
American Political Science Review
`an extremely valuable contribution to the research literature on comparative politics'
American Political Science Review
`This monumental five-volume series, written by leading European political scientists, presents a comprehensive analysis of the role of mass politics in public life. The result of a unique program in cross-national collaborative research, it constitutes an important event in the development of transnational social science.'
American Political Science Review
`The approach emphasizes careful empirical analysis tempered by cautious inference ... The quality of the empirical analysis is consistently high, and authors are frank about the limitations imposed by their data ... important collection of empirical studies addressing the debate about the "crisis of representation" in Europe.'
Journal of Public Policy
`By the normal standards of edited volumes Public Opinion and Internationalized Governance is a tremendously integrated piece of work, reflecting genuine collaboration on the part of the editors and the contributors. It is a useful companion to standard work on the EU ... This book gives an insight into the legitimacy of a whole host of integrative processes and integration outcomes, and as a result deserves to find its
way onto appropriate academic reading lists. It might also usefully find its way onto the desks of one or two elite policy actors involved in the internationalization of European governance. They will find this is a fascinating and
sobering read.'
`These volumes contain the work of many of the most important scholars in the field of public opinion working in Europe today ... These five volumes represent a major contribution to comparative politics, especially the study of mass politics. The chapters provide a wealth of information about public opinion in contemporary Europe and the relationship between state and society ... The volumes clearly will be read by all students of European politics, but
they should be the beginning of inquiry rather than the end.'
Times Educational Supplement
`O. Niedermayer and R. Sinnott's volume provides a much more comprehensive assessment.'
Times Educational Supplement
`an important contribution to the current debates, both political and scholarly ... certainly the most ambitious and comprehensive study to date of this range of problems, and their findings will have to be taken into account by all serious students of European integration'
Roger Morgan, University of Bonn, Political Studies (1997), XLV
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