'Gill arrives at … conclusions through a rich and rigorous comparative analysis of three historical cases: colonial and early postcolonial America, Latin America, and post-Communist Eastern Europe and Russia … his comparative use of analytic narrative … is admirably focused, brisk, and readable, in part because it is organised around the systematic testing of eleven propositions and sub-propositions … Gill deserves credit for not overstating his case: he is careful to acknowledge that ideas also play a role in determining the level and type of government restrictions on religion, and he is careful also to emphasize that his book's scope … is limited to a detailed examination of political origins of religious freedom, thus allowing that religious freedom derives from non-political sources as well. … The Political Origins of Religious Liberty is an exciting beginning … launching a theory that promises to stimulate useful new research on a wide range of historical and contemporary cases of religious liberty and its absence.' The Review of Politics
'In The Political Origins of Religious Liberty, Anthony Gill employs a rational choice framework to explain government decisions to regulate or deregulate religion in the American colonies, Latin America, and the former Soviet Union, while arguing that previous accounts have focused too heavily on philosophical ideas at the expense of providing a convincing account of the actual causes underlying the emergence (or denial) of religious freedom. … Gill's well-researched account provides a solid framework for understanding the political and economic interests that may come into play regarding questions of religious liberty and helpfully points to the role that democratization can play in increasing religious pluralism and enhancing religious liberty.' Politics and Religion
'[ Anthony Gill's The Political Origins of Religious Liberty and Bryan McGraw's Faith in Politics]provide compelling and original insights on the interaction between religion and politics in modern society … these books provide an excellent introduction to the study of religion and politics. Both works depart from the usual abstract exercises in political theory and focus instead on historically oriented empirical research, to present political science as an empirical discipline. Both are intensely argued, theoretically sophisticated and empirically well supported. They are a delight to read and should be recommended to students of religious studies, political sociology and comparative politics.' Sarbeswar Sahoo, Political Studies Review