<b>Charisma and courage still dazzle on every page. </b>His voice is so vivid – <b>fearless, playful, funny, clear-eyed</b> – that while reading <i>Patriot</i> I kept finding myself forgetting he was dead
- Decca Aitkenhead, Sunday Times
<b>Extraordinary</b> ... The late Russian activist’s memoir is an <b>insightful, sharp, and even humorous </b>account of the fight against Putin’s regime – and <b>a warning to the world</b> … A <b>brave</b> and <b>brilliant</b> book
- Luke Harding, Guardian *Book of the Day*
A <b>worthy testament</b> to the author’s resistance to Putin and a <b>heartbreaking</b> account of Russia’s collapse into war and repression … [<i>Patriot</i>] is <b>the best example left to us of Navalny’s defiance, courage, humour, and love </b>for a country he believed could become 'the beautiful Russia of the future'
Financial Times
<b>Funny, fiery, reflective and tragic</b>, laced with Navalny’s trademark wry humour and idealism
- Alexandra Alter, New York Times
<b>Inspiring, emboldening – a voice that will not be forgotten</b>
- David Remnick, New Yorker
<b>Powerful</b> ... A <b>brave, passionate and intimate</b> read about everything from family to activism
Much has been written about the chilling realities of Putin’s Russia. Yet… <b>Alexei Navalny is in a class of its own… Unflinching, defiant and even hopeful, </b>the book… [is] a shocking and extraordinary “memorial”
- Frederick Studemann, Financial Times, *Books of the Year*
<i>Patriot</i>, by the murdered Russian opposition leader, <b>will be seen as a historic text</b> … Its value lies not in what it tells you about the cruelties of Mr Putin’s regime, but in what it reveals about the human spirit
This book is a <b>gospel</b> … <b>impossible to stop reading</b> ... [Navalny] is not going to be the political leader for future generations of Russians. But he might be the moral example – <b>some kind of Russian messiah</b>
Vanity Fair
Alexei Navalny never loses faith that his cause is worth suffering for … [<i>Patriot</i>] is <b>a testament to a famed dissident's extraordinary battle</b> against despair as the Russian authorities gradually increase their crackdown against him