Chapter 1: Introduction.- Chapter 2 : Political Representation beyond the Nation-state.- Chapter 3: Euroscepticism in the European Parliament.- Chapter 4: Strategies of Eurosceptic MEPs.- Chapter 5: The EP, an “Unrewarding” Location for Eurosceptics?.- Chapter 6: Explaining the roles of Eurosceptic MEPs.- Chapter 7: General Conclusion: The Impact of Eurosceptic MEPs.
“Euro-sceptics in the European Parliament are as diverse as the European landscape, whether we analyse their role conceptions, attitudes to the EU, or parliamentary practices. Instead of wishing them away, those committed to the European project should embrace them for their democratic footprint, as the living proof that opposition is possible in the European Union. The conclusions reached by Nathalie Brack in this fascinating book offering the first systematic analysis of Eurosceptic MEPs deserve a central place in our contemporary debates on the future of Europe.” (Professor Kalypso Nicolaïdis, University of Oxford, UK)
Biographical note
Nathalie Brack is currently FNRS Researcher and Lecturer in political science at the Cevipol, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. Her PhD dissertation on Eurosceptic MEPs was awarded the Xavier Mabille Prize of the Belgian Political Science Association and was shortlisted for the 2014 ECPR Jean Blondel prize. Her research interests include Euroscepticism, EU politics and institutions, and legislative studies.