Preface; Geert Bouckaert and Sabine Kuhlmann.- Introduction. Comparing Local Public Sector Reforms: Institutional Policies in Context; Geert Bouckaert and Sabine Kuhlmann.- Part I. Re-Scaling Local Governance: Amalgamation, Cooperation, Territorial Consolidation.- Chapter 1. A Comparative Analysis of Amalgamation Reforms in Selected European Countries; Reto Steiner, Claire Kaiser, Grétar Thór Claire/Eythórsson.- Chapter 2. Explaining Trajectories of Municipal Amalgamations: A Case Comparison of the Netherlands and Flanders; Wout Broekema, Trui Steen and Ellen Wayenberg.- Chapter 3. What Causes Municipal Amalgamation Reform? Rational Explanations Meet Western European Experiences, 2004–13; Jostein Askim, Jan Erling Klausen, Signy Irene Vabo and K. Bjurstrøm.- Chapter 4. Does Inter-Municipal Cooperation Lead to Territorial Consolidation? Comparative Analysis of Selected European Cases in Times of Crisis; Jochen Franzke, Daniel Klimovský and Uroš Pinterič.- Part II: Managerial Reforms:From Weberian Bureaucracy to Performance Management?.- Chapter 5. Design, Trajectories of Reform and Implementation of Performance Budgeting in Local Governments: A Comparative Study of Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Norway; Hilde(Bjørnå, Riccardo Mussari, Vitalis Nakrošis, Christoph Reichard, Sabina Bankauskaitė Grigaliūnienė and Alfredo Ettore Tranfaglia.- Chapter 6. Impacts of NPM-Driven Performance Management Reforms and Ideologies in Napoleonic Local Governments: A Comparative Analysis of France, Portugal, and Turkey; Emil Turc, Marcel Guenoun, Marcel, Yüksel Demirkaya, Miguel Rodrigues and Jérôme Dupuis.- Chapter 7. Do They All Fail? A Comparative Analysis of Performance Related Pay Systems in Local Governments; Isabella Proeller, Anne‐Kathrin Meier, Dominik Vogel, Riccardo Mussari, Donatella Casale, Emil Turc and Marcel Guenoun.- Chapter 8. Human Resource Management Reforms and Change Management in European City-Administrations from a Comparative Perspective; Marco Salm and Christian Schwab.- Part III: Re-Organizing Local Service Delivery: From Government to Governance?.- Chapter 9. Public and Social Services Provision in European Countries. From Public/Municipal Sector to Market Liberalisation – and What Next?; Hellmut Wollmann.- Chapter 10. Waste Management Compared – from Public Service Delivery to Inter-Municipal Cooperation?; Harald Torsteinsen, Harald and Marieke Van Genugten.- Chapter 11. On the Road Towards Marketization? A Comparative Analysis of Nonprofit Sector Involvement in Social Service Delivery at the Local Level; Annette Zimmer, Lars Skov Henriksen, Steven Rathgeb Smith Rathgeb and Marlene Thøgersen.- Chapter 12. The Governance of Childcare in Transition: A Comparative Analysis; Pekka Kettunen, Filipe Teles, Carmen Navarro, Philipp Richter, Nikos Hlepas, and Muiris MacCarthaigh.- Chapter 13. Rescaling of Planning Power: Comparing Functional Planning Reforms in Six European Countries; Panagiotis Getimis.- Part IV: Local Participatory Reforms,Political Leaders, and Citizens.- Chapter 14. Giving Citizens More Say in Local Government: Comparative Analyses of Change Across Europe in Times of Crisis; Angelika Vetter, Bas Denters, Norbert Kersting and Daniel Klimovský.- Chapter 15. Reforming Local Councils and the Role of Councillors. A Comparative Analysis of Fifteen European Countries; Anders Lidström, Harald Baldersheim, Daniel Klimovsky, Eva Marin Hlynsdóttir, Colin Copus and Pekka Kettunen.- Chapter 16. Have Mayors Will travel: Trends and Developments on the Direct Election of the Mayor: A Five Nation Comparison; Colin Copus, Angel Iglesias, Miro Hacek, Michal Illner and Anders Lidstrom.- Chapter 17. Local Democratic Renewal by Deliberative Participatory Instruments: A Comparative Study; Norbert Kersting, Jana Gasparikova, Jelizaveta Krenjova and Angel Iglesias.- Chapter 18. Reforming Local Governments in Times of Crisis: Values and Expectations of Good Local Governance in Comparative Perspective; Bas Denters, Andreas Ladner, Poul Erik Mouritzen and LawrenceRose.- Conclusion: Tensions, Challenges, and Future ‘Flags’ of Local Public Sector Reforms and Comparative Research; Geert Bouckaert and Sabine Kuhlmann.
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