<p><strong>“In this new era of decline of the liberal democracies and questions about the viability of the liberal world economic order, this survey of the wave of corporatist regimes which swept Latin America in the 1930s is of great relevance. An expert on European fascism, Professor Costa has effectively used his extensive knowledge of that experience to provide an informed comparative analysis of the numerous anti-liberal and anti-democratic regimes which emerged in the interwar period in the Americas.”</strong> </p><p>Herbert S. Klein, <em>Gouverneur Morris Professor Emeritus of History Columbia University</em></p><p><strong>"This is a new key book by Antonio Costa Pinto, the world expert on corporatism and dictatorship. It is an essential reading for all those interested in the relationship between authoritarianism and capitalism, fascism and consensus and Latin American and global history. Focusing on Latin America in the era of fascism, Costa Pinto traces the roots of the first wave of attacks against democracy in the region and beyond. This excellent book allows us understand them (..). This is no small achievement."</strong></p><p>Federico Finchelstein, <em>Professor of History, New School for Social Research</em></p>
Biographical note
António Costa Pinto is Research Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. He has been a visiting professor at Stanford University, Georgetown University and a senior visiting fellow at Princeton University, the University of California, Berkeley and New York University. He is the author of The Nature of Fascism Revisited (2012) and co-edited Rethinking Fascism and Dictatorship in Europe (2014) and Corporatism and Fascism (2017).