The editors have assembled a collection of several important essays that tackle many aspects of peace and conflict and [the] complex dynamics of cooperation and competition within and outside the Central Asian states. The publication is a welcome volume for the field of Central Asian studies in particular and international relations in general.
The Journal Of Turkish Weekly
Viewing Central Asia from many angles and neighboring countries, this series of snapshots captures a region being pulled in different directions. One set of chapters focuses on the intersection of politics and religion. Another explores energy security. A third pictures geopolitical forces tugging at the region, and a fourth looks at some integrative forces, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Through this one volume we can reflect on the broad significance of this region.
- Gilbert Rozman, Princeton University,
This book is an excellent introduction to all the major issues confronting Central Asia, a region that is likely to be as important in the twenty-first century as the Middle East was during the twentieth.
- Husain Haqqani, Boston University,
Central Asia's energy resources, Muslim identity, potential links to global terror networks, and pivotal geographic position make this region of growing importance to Washington, and its allies and competitors, in a post-9/11 world. America is trying to balance the conflicting pressures of containing terrorism and enhancing regional security, while pursuing a democratizing mission and seeking new energy sources. Russia's neo-imperial aspirations are leading it toward a renewed role in Central Asia, whileChina views the region as a promising source of oil and gas (and a potential source of instability). As each of these great powers jockeys for position in Central Asia, they find occasions for cooperation and competition. Neighboring states?Iran, Turkey,India, and Pakistan?are being drawn into the vortex. Islam, Oil, and Geopolitics provides a balanced and sophisticated assessment of these complex factors, with insights from talented Central Asian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and American scholars and practitioners. The authors skillfully outline broad strategic factors in the regional equation, while recognizing the substantial political, economic and social differences among the five Central Asian states. Academics and policy-makers alike will pro
- Charles E. Ziegler, University of Louisville,
This volume brings together an impressive array of international experts on Central Asia to address security trends in this pivotal region of the world.
- Andrew Scobell, U.S. Army War College,
Central Asia's energy resources, Muslim identity, potential links to global terror networks, and pivotal geographic position make this region of growing importance to Washington, and its allies and competitors, in a post-9/11 world. America is trying to balance the conflicting pressures of containing terrorism and enhancing regional security, while pursuing a democratizing mission and seeking new energy sources. Russia's neo-imperial aspirations are leading it toward a renewed role in Central Asia, while China views the region as a promising source of oil and gas (and a potential source of instability). As each of these great powers jockeys for position in Central Asia, they find occasions for cooperation and competition. Neighboring states—Iran, Turkey, India, and Pakistan—are being drawn into the vortex. Islam, Oil, and Geopolitics provides a balanced and sophisticated assessment of these complex factors, with insights from talented Central Asian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and American scholars and practitioners. The authors skillfully outline broad strategic factors in the regional equation, while recognizing the substantial political, economic and social differences among the five Central Asian states. Academics and policy-makers alike will profit from this book.
- Charles E. Ziegler, University of Louisville,
This excellent publication sheds light on a region in need of further research to fully understand the interplay of Islam, energy, and geopolitics, which is somewhat different from the situation in the Middle East. Highly recommended.
The editors are to be congratulated for assembling such a comprehensive team of specialists....The value of the work is in bringing diverse strands together and attempting to unravel the complex relationships between these variables....A useful introduction to contemporary challenges.
International Affairs, March 2008
Readable and ambitious compilation.
Asian Affairs, July 2008
Provides such knowledge to those interested in area studies from broad and diverse perspectives.
American Journal of Islamic Social Studies, Winter 2009, Vol. 26, No. 1