... this book is a timely contribution to the growing literature on subnational political regimes in democracies around the world, which scholars of comparative democratization, subnational politics, and local governance will find equally interesting. Publius
Chapter 1. Setting the Comparative Agenda: Territorially Uneven Democratization Processes in Large Federations
Part I: The United States and India in Historical Perspective
Chapter 2. Federalism and Subnational Democratization in the United States: The South in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Chapter 3. Subnational Democratization in India: The Role of Colonial Competition and Central Intervention
Part II: The Diverse Origins of Illiberal Structures and Practices in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
Chapter 4. Federal Intervention and Subnational Democratization in Argentina: A Comparative Perspective
Chapter 5. The Dimensions of Democratic and Hybrid Subnational Regimes: Evidence from an Expert Survey in Argentina
Chapter 6. Subnational Hybrid Regimes and Democratization in Brazil: Why Party Nationalization Matters
Chapter 7. The Rise and Fall of Illiberal Politics in the Brazilian State of Bahia
Chapter 8. Social Heterogeneity, Political Mediation, and Subnational Illiberalism: Oaxaca and Puebla, Mexico
Part III: Russia and the Boundaries of Democracy
Chapter 9. Subnational Democratization and Electoral Authoritarianism in Russia: From Subnational Regime Diversity to Unitary Authoritarianism
Part IV: Mapping the Cases
Chapter 10. Uneven Processes and Multiple Pathways
—Nancy Bermeo, Oxford University, coeditor of Federalism and Territorial Cleavages