Biographical note
Michael Gallagher is Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He has published on parties, elections and electoral systems. Recent books as co-editor include Politics in the Republic of Ireland, (5th ed, 2010), Representative Government in Modern Europe (5th ed, 2011) and The Politics of Electoral Systems (2008). He has been a visiting professor at City University of Hong Kong, Université de Lille and New York University.
Michael Marsh is Emeritus Professor of Political Science in Trinity College University of Dublin, Ireland, and was formerly Professor of Comparative Political Behaviour, and served variously as Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer of the University. He has published over 100 professional articles and book chapters on parties, elections and public opinion, and was principal investigator for the 2002, 2007 and 2011 Irish National Election Studies, co-author of The Irish Voter (2008) and co-editor of The Conservative Revolution (2016).