<i>‘This essential book contains 35 authors from across the globe and provides a smorgasbord of coverage, addressing cross-cutting public accounting and governance issues by various topics. This Handbook testifies that hybridization in the public sector and its associated accounting and public governance issues are important to organizations and societies in the modern era.’</i>
- James Guthrie, Macquarie University, Australia,
<i>‘In the past decades, the number and types of hybrid organizations has increased strongly – and these organizations are here to stay! The hybridity of these organizations has had impact on all elements of public governance. Mixing efficiency driven modes with more attention for public value creation creates tensions for accountability, financial and other types of reporting, performance measurement and budgeting. This Handbook offers a welcome overview and discussion of these tensions, with examples from various countries, policy sectors, and government levels. It is a must read for scholars and students who are studying hybrid organizations.’</i>
- Sandra van Thiel, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands,