Part I. Introducing and Theorizing the Administrative State.- 1. An Introduction to the Administrative State.- 2. Theorizing the Administrative State.- Part II. Outlooks on the Domestic Administrative State.- 3. Evolving Tensions in Public Governance.- 4. Public Administration Sustainability and Its Organizational Basis.- 5. Agency Governance in Integrated Administrative Systems.- 6. Restructuring Public Governance in Integrated Administrative Systems.- 7. Designing the Administrative State.- Part III. Outlooks on the Multilevel and International Administrative State.- 8. Administrative Sciences and the Multilevel Administrative State.- 9. European Integration and the Administrative State .- 10. Incomplete Contracting and Policy Influence.- 11. The Autonomy of International Public Administration.- 12. The Organizational Dimension of Global Governance. 13. Conclusion.
Jarle Trondal is Professor in the Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder, Norway; Professor at ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Norway; and Senior Fellow at The Institute of European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, US. His research interests include European public administration, administrative behavior and reform, global governance, and organizational studies.