High-octane brainwork...a large and highly intelligent contribution. The Economist Olivier Roy is perhaps the most provocative and innovative writer on Islamism today... There is no more reliable guide to this labyrinth. -- Martin Kramer Middle East Quarterly His new book provides one of the best and most detailed snapshots of 'real existing Islam' currently available. -- Jonathan Steele The Guardian Nuanced discussion. -- Nader Hashemi Globe and Mail Roy cuts through the mystical veil of religion...Globalized Islam gets under the skin of today's quintessentially modern forms of Islam and points the debate in a new direction. -- Josie Appleton Spiked Online Roy's sociological analysis is always insightful. -- Mahmood Mamdani Foreign Affairs Superb and complex sociological study. -- Fawaz A. Gerces Washington Post Book World [Roy] suggest[s] that the important events in the world of Islam are taking place not in the regions we ordinarily think of as Islamic but in Europe. -- Noah Feldman New York Times Book Review A very well-informed tour of the complexities of contemporary Islam. Future Survey Oliver Roy's writings are always worth reading, and Globalized Islam is no exception. Middle East Journal An in-depth analysis...An ambitious project...Recommended. Choice This book is a wonderful exploration of ideas on the future of Islamic radicalism. -- LCDR Aboul-Enein Strategic Insight Always ahead of his time. -- Reuel Marc Gerecht Weekly Standard Roy is enormously knowledgeable and well aware of the problems faced by young Muslims. -- Lawrence Rosen London Review of Books Roy's sociological theories cast a refreshing light on Islam's role as a minority religion in the West. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences An essential key to understanding not evident in similar-sounding discussions. Midwest Book Review: California Bookwatch This is an important book, one that must be read... [and] will serve as a useful referent for some time. -- Sanford Silverburg Digest of Middle East Studies One of the Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International's 25 Top Books for Today's Bookshelf on Terrorism. Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International The most comprehensive and rigorous study of the subject to date. -- John Gray Harper's Richness of analysis and breadth of data make [Globalized Islam] a pioneering contribution to the literature on globalization and Islam. The International Journal of Middle East Studies