"This collection, expertly edited by David Held and Pietro Maffettone, includes essays by some of the most prominent contributors to the current debate on global justice. The diversity of viewpoints represented and the real world problems and challenges to which they relate will provide the reader with a critical overview of the state of global justice as a philosophical inquiry, and why it actually matters."<br /><b> Kok-Chor Tan, University of Pennsylvania<br /><br /></b> "Political theory needs to catch up with the fact that many of the problems we face today can only be solved at a global level. <i>Global Political Theory</i> brings together some of the leading thinkers working on the most important issues that the world must face over the coming decades. I hope it will help to set a new agenda for political theory."<br /><b> Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University and author of <i>One World Now</i></b><br /><br /> "If you want to join the debates about global justice, inequality, just war, territorial rights, and world trade, this is a book you have to read. Held and Maffettone have brought together a stellar group of academics, whose arguments are provocative, engaging, accessible, and important."<br /><b> Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton<br /><br /></b> "The global dimension of political theory is so important these days that, without it, one often cannot understand the application of theoretical ideas, not even within the context of a national state. The essays in this volume make clear why this is the case and highlight the continuity between global and state-level theory."<br /><b> Jeremy Waldron, NYU Law School</b>
Philosophers have never shied away from interrogating the nature of our obligations beyond borders. From Hobbes to the international lawyers Grotius, Pufendorf, Vattel, and of course Kant, modern philosophy has always attempted to define the nature and shape of a just international order, and the types of mutual obligations members of different political communities might share. In today's hyper-connected world, these issues are more important than ever and have been an impetus to a political theory with global scope and aspirations.
Global Political Theory offers a comprehensive and cutting-edge introduction to the moral aspects of global politics today. It addresses foundational aspects of global political theory such as the nature of human rights, the types of distributive obligations that we have toward distant others, the relationship between just war theory and global distributive justice, and the legitimacy of international law and global governance institutions. In addition, it features analyses of key applied moral debates in global politics, including the ethical aspects of climate change, the moral issues raised by the mobility of financial capital, the justness of different international trade regimes, and the implications of natural resource ownership for human welfare and democratic political rule. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this accessible and lively book will be essential reading for students and teachers of political theory, philosophy and international relations.
David Held and Pietro Maffettone
Editors� Introduction: Globalization, Global Politics and the Cosmopolitan Plateau
David Held and Pietro Maffettone
1. The Nature of Human Rights
Reiner Forst
2 Global Distributive Justice (1): The Statist View
Michael Blake
3 Global Distributive Justice (2): The Cosmopolitan View
Darrell Moellendorf
4 Global Political Justice
Terry McDonald
5 The Legitimacy of International Law
David Lefkowitz
6 Legitimacy and Global Governance
David Held and Pietro Maffettone
7 Just War and Global Justice
Laura Valentini
8 The Associativist Account of Killing in War
Seth Lazar
9 Territorial Rights
David Miller and Margareth Moore
10 Natural Resources
Leif Wenar
11 Fairness in Trade
Aaron James
12 The Ethical Aspects of International Financial Integration
Peter Dietsch
13 Political Theory for the Anthropocene
Dale Jamieson and Marcello Di Paola
14 Generations and Global Justice
Axel Gosseries and Danielle Zwarthoed
Biographical note
David Held is Master of University College, Durham and Professor of Politics and International Relations at Durham University.
Pietro Maffettone is Lecturer in Global Politics and Ethics in the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham University