Biographical note
David Lowe is a principal lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University’s Law School. Prior to becoming an academic, he served for 27 years with Merseyside Police in the United Kingdom. Most of his service was as a detective, and most of his detective service was in the United Kingdom’s Special Branch Counter-Terrorism Unit. In addition to his recent publications in the area of policing, terrorism, and security, he regularly participates in television, radio, and print media (particularly the BBC) in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe for commentary in these areas.
Dilip K. Das, PhD, is a professor of criminal justice, a former police chief, and a human rights consultant for the United Nations. He is the founding president of the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES), where he manages the affairs of the organization in cooperation with an appointed group of police practitioners, academia members, and individuals from around the world. Dr. Das is also the founding editor-in-chief of Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. A prolific writer (30 books, numerous articles and scholarly presentations), he is the editor-in-chief of two book series published by CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group: Advances in Police Theory and Practice and Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts and Prisons.
Austin T. Turk is professor of sociology, University of California, Riverside. He is a fellow and former president of the American Society of Criminology and has been a trustee of the Law and Society Association as well as chair of the American Sociological Association’s Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance. His research and writing focus primarily on relationships among law, power, and social conflict, with emphasis on the interaction between political policing and political crime. He is now working mainly on issues in counterterrorism.