This is is an incredible contribution. Anyone who wants to understand how American
democracy has evolved to its current place needs to read this book."
James N. Druckman, Northwestern University
In Democracy under Fire, Larry Jacobs provides the needed historical context to
the existential challenges our electoral system faces in the age of Trump. Excellent,
important, and timely."
Norman Ornstein, Emeritus Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
“By now, the personal pathologies of Donald Trump are obvious to all. But the roots of
ongoing authoritarian threats lie in failures by US elites of all stripes—candidates and
o ceholders who have repeatedly catered to extreme activists and evaded majority
accountability. Drawing on decades of scholarship, Lawrence Jacobs dissects these
threats from above and outlines compelling reforms.A provocative, well-researched,
and powerfully reasoned work, Democracy under Fire is a timely wake-up call for all
of us who care about America's future."
Theda Skocpol, Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology, Harvard University, and Director of the Scholars Strategy Network
Democracy under Fire is a crucial book offering a cogent, accessible, and actionable
analysis about the way the dramatic interplay between political institutions and
voter behavior makes American democracy more fragile."
Hahrie Han, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute, Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University