Chaisty, Cheeseman, and Power systematically canvass the tools that minority presidents use to govern. No other work combines this level of insight into comparative constitutional design with such breadth of regional expertise.
John M. Carey, Dartmouth College
In a world of rising political fragmentation, this book is a must-read for understanding minority presidentialism. An important advance in our global understanding of contemporary democracy.
Rachel Beatty Riedl, Cornell University
Coalitional Presidentialism sets a new frontier in the study of executive-legislative politics. Chaisty, Cheeseman, and Power systematically analyze how minority presidents use formal legislative powers, the allocation of cabinet portfolios, party politics, budgetary authority, and executive "favors" to build majorities.
Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, University of Notre Dame
Coalitional Presidentialism makes a valuable distinction between the coalitions presidents form at the outset of their presidencies and the subsequent evolution of those coalitions. The authors employ an array of methods, including carefully chosen case studies, to propose broader generalizations that are sensitive to contingency and context.
Thomas F. Remington, Emory University
This impressive book demonstrates the value of research collaboration by consolidating in one place, in one book, many of the most important arguments about comparative presidentialism. Through careful comparative analyses, colourful details, and quotes from numerous interviews with politicians, this book demonstrates that governing presidential systems is not easy anywhere.
Marisa Kellam, Waseda University
...the book presents a major leap forward in research on coalitional presidentialism and comparative studies of presidential politics alike. It presents an excellent and insightful analysis based on an unrivalled breadth and depth of quantitative and qualitative data...Given recent election results in several of the countries covered by this volume, it is clear that coalitional presidentialism is here to stay. As the first crossregional analysis of coalitional presidentialism to date, this book will hence undoubtedly serve as an inspiration and benchmark for future studies of this intriguing phenomenon.
Philipp Köker, Leibniz University Hannover, Europe-Asia Studies